Thank you to all who helped paint our house today. We got a ton done and I'm just glad I didn't have to do it by ourselves. I was done after 30 minutes. And I'm taking it personal that Doug and Kim didn't help.
So, Kirk had his spring break this last week and we worked everyday, all day on the house to get it finished. Of course, that didn't happen and we just found a new project to start. But that door to the backyard will sure be nice when its done. Then Kirk can have a break from projects. We took some picture but I'll post those later. Kirk has worked hard.
Speaking of Kirk, We found out last night that a student he had his first year who had gotten pregnant, was just found guilty for murder of said child. It's sad to see these teenage kids mess up their lives by getting pregnant when they aren't ready. It was sad.
On a happier note; Carter is doing great! We have only been feeding him by bottle for the last two weeks and Monday they are taking out the G-Tube (if he is still gaining). He has also been off his oxygen for three days and is doing great. He still spits up when he eats but we hope he will just grow out of that. And he still makes lots of noise from breathing. But he might always have that noise. To look at him, you see a healthy little baby and you'd never guess that hes been through all he has. We are thrilled he's doing so well and know it is only because the Lord has blessed us. I don't want to get all preachy but we are so grateful for the Lords hand in our lives. He has given us miracles not only with Carter but all our children.
Well, we are looking forward to the reunion this year and to seeing everybody. Porter looks through our book of last year and its amazing what he remembers.
Again, thanks you to everyone who helped. And we still love everyone who wasn't here. We know you would have all loved to paint right? I wish I lived in Alabama.