The Lodge we are going to is called Bear Trap Lodge by solitude ski resort. You can google it for pictures. I am also going to send out emails asking people to do some things like meals and activities. Please check your email! I'm going to explain meals here so I don't have to write this ten times. I am asigning everyone one meal. If you have something you would like to make, please send me the recipe. I am planning on buying all the food to save on cost, however, any imput is fine. If I do not hear back from you, I will just pick somthing and you can find out when we get there what you are making. I did not assign out lunches. These will be easy and anyone who is hanging around can help put them together. Check in time is 4 on Friday and check out by 11 on Wed. I will mail instructions when I get them but this wont be until right before the reunion. Kirk is trying to get a service project together but we are not sure yet what it will entail so you will hear later if anything is needed for that. I'm very excited and feel free to ask any questions. I wont have answers but go ahead and ask. Thanks to all.