Monday, October 15, 2007

middle name contest

I am having issues picking a middle name for my son. I would like to go with Beck for his first name, but cannot get this to flow with more than a few middle names. Beck _______________ Atwood. Any suggestions?


Shane said...

Sorry Joe, can't think of anything that goes with that one. Are you SURE you want Beck as his first name?

Anonymous said...


jolyn said...

Beck Cornelius
Beck Mattius (sp)?
Beck Alonzo
Beck McCleve
Beck Josiah
Beck Augusta ?
Beck Jordanian
Beck Erastus
These all flow! My favorite is the first one!! you welcome

jolyn said...

What about Beck Samuel Atwood????That is actually a descent name!

Val Atwood said...

Beck Thomas Atwood

Joe Buck said...


Anonymous said...

Joe, your problem is that Beck is the first name. As you have probably noticed, Beck only has one syllable. All middle names sound better if they are as short or shorter than the first name. Michael Shane sounds better than Shane Michael... go ahead, it works with all names. So, my suggestion is put Beck as a middle name and call him that, but you can then throw many names in as a first name: Joseph Beck, Porter Beck, Jackson Five Beck...
Anyway, my thoughts.

Joe Buck said...

I agree completely. I may not follow your advice, but I am considering it. I just want the world to know him as Beck (until he becomes a general authority, and then possibly H. Beck Atwood or something in that vein).

weston said...

John beck atwood is always a possibility

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to be part of the most comments ever on an entry. I think McCleave is actually cute whereever it came from. And my opinion is Beck.....yep nothing sorry