This is just a shout out for the likelyhood of anyone wanting to go to Don Giovanni this summer. Yes, it IS an opera. Yes, it IS in italian - however it DOES have subtitles. This is one of Mozarts finest operas - and I think if you have never been to an opera this is a pretty safe one to start with. It is at the Capitol Theatre, produced by the Utah Opera and the tickets are actually super cheap. If you want to spend very little the cheap seats are only $10 each. Although, you pay for what you get - you just might be LISTENING to it from these seats - not exactly SEEing it if you know what I mean. They range up to $65 per seat so all kinds of variety. I really want to go - and I thought others might as well. The Les Mis trip was really fun (which, by the way is playing at Tuachan this summer if you are interested). I'm just trying to see if there is any interest in going. They are playing Cinderella by Rossini this week and Madame Butterfly in October. We are open for comments or whatever.
FYI If you would like to read a synopsis of Don Giovanni click HERE It is a very strange story - I have never seen it, but of course it is a classic!
Preview - or some strange guy with a video camera
Thank you and have a nice day!!
I'm up for it! I've never been to the opera, so it could be fun. Just let me know as you finalize plans.
We would be open for discussion on the matter, depending on dates and prices... Have your people contact my people, and we'll see what happens.
Maybe I'll have to go to both Don Giovanni AND Madame Butterfly. The music in madame butterfly is some of the MOST beautiful music I have ever heard.
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