Saturday, June 13, 2009


What is the deal? It's summer and now I have less thyme than in the school year. Service projects are going to be the death of me.
Anyhoo...Kati is loving her pregnancy. She actually swells up so much that you can press and indent fingermarks, words, etchings, etc., into he legs along her shins that stay there for several minutes--like one of those stress balls. She loves it. We were close to drywalling the basement, but that has been put off for a week or two. Jonas and Ian are extrememly calm, relaxed, and never stray into the streets. They always notify us of where they sneak off to and, or course, always eat everything, no matter what it is. They clean up their own messes, too.


jolyn said...

I can vouch for you when you say your boys are calm. You have nothing to worry about when you have two more just like them!!!

Kim said...

Wow they sound just like my kids. I think they are going to get along great!!!