Sunday, January 29, 2012

Food for thought...

do you think that in the history of the world there have been more instances of original "good ideas" or more instance of other peoples good ideas being passed off as belonging to the person repeating the idea? an example would be Kati's hey zeus idea for a dog name, then i take that idea tell it to my friends and say i thought of it. my thought is that it is in fact the latter. hopefully after reading this you're not overly offended at how i've wasted precious seconds or, depending on the speed of your reading, minute(s) of your life. on the plus side you're this much closer to the end of your probation here on this earth, and therefore closer to a life of happiness and luxury. unless of course you have sinned recently and not repented before reading this, in the which case i would definitely do that, as the time to the end of your probation is almost certainly closer now than it ever was, unless of course this message has somehow sunk deep into your souls revitalizing your internal organs(not outside the range of possibility) causing you to live a full year or two longer, depending on how far into said probation you currently are at this present time. luckily my explanation of the apology was twice as long as the thing i apologized for but im not apologizing for this one. if you have continued to read when long ago it was more than clear that there would be nothing further of substance, then it is through no fault of mine and when you look to find who is the cause of this great wickedness you need only stand, walk a short distance and stare at the culprit in the mirror. that is all.


Anonymous said...

This, my friends, is an example of why you should go to bed at or before midnight.

weston said...

true enough

Kati Atwood said...

For the record - Yes, that WAS an original Kati thought, however, I am not in the least slighted at your plagiarism. On the contrary, I'm flattered!

jolyn said...

I can't believe to tell you what thoughts were awakened in my mind as I read this intelligent piece of information

Shane said...

Brilliant! LMBO!!

weston said...

i should have rephrased it as ramen noodles for thought