Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Of all the things mom tried to teach about family history...

How have I not been told this?

Am I the only one who didn't know?
Kirk it turns out your kids have the best French blood there is...


weston said...

Although I imagine Charlemagne has plenty of descendants so its probably not that important...

Shane said...

Is this in our line?

weston said...

yep I also went back today trying to find it again and found William the Conqueror, as well as the line of Robert the Bruce, which is the current line of the queen of England. The current Royal line of England supposedly traces back to King David, so in other words through at least on line we can trace our genealogy all the way back to Adam.

Marshall said...
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Marshall said...

There's another line to Charlemagne through John Atwood. His wife De Mules is a direct descendent.