Thursday, April 2, 2015

Brigham Young on judgement

As I'm reading Hugh Nibley's "Brother Brigham Challenges the Saints" I came across this paragraph on judgement, and the selection of quotes, one after another from Brigham Young, and it pointed out some things I do wrong, so I thought I'd share.  My Favorite are the last two, but I love every single one...

The first one is the goal:

 "I endeavor to look upon [mankind] as an angel would, having compassion, long-suffering, and forbearance towards them. How many times can I forgive a brother? . . . I think I could forgive a brother seventy times seven in one day."

The rest are things to avoid:

"It is no more natural for your lungs to expand and contract in breathing than it is for you to wish others to be like yourselves. . . .   All of these classes act according to their faith and traditions, and each one of them says, 'If you are not as I am, you are not right.' This is just as natural as it is to breathe vital air. I wish this trait in the Saints to be done away. I want the Elders of Israel to learn to take people as they are."

"Just as soon as our eyes are turned away from watching ourselves, to see whether we do right, we begin to see faults in our neighbors; this is the great difficulty, and our minds become more and more blinded until we become entirely darkened."

"It matters not what your neighbours do, look to your God with all your heart, instead of watching your neighbours, and there will be no danger of your leaving the true path."

 "The spirit that seeks only to accuse, that can only delight itself in the failings and errors of mankind, so born of hell as only to find delight in the defects of humanity—. . . it is the very work of Satan, and his servants."

"There is one principle I wish to urge upon the Saints in a way that it may remain with them—that is, to understand men and women as they are, and not understand them as you are."

"Judge not each other rashly, for you will find that ninety-nine wrongs out of a hundred committed by men are done more in ignorance than from a design to do wrong."


Shane said...

Love these!!

jolynatwood said...

good talk