Wednesday, July 21, 2010

OK so I will start. As you all know I had a baby. I will post a picture all though I'm sure that you have seen it if you have looked at our post. Which is easy to do so that is why I don't post both places. Joe is working nights this month so my nights are pretty free. We still put the kids down at 7:00 but unfortunately I can't tell Asher that he has to go to bed too. He had a mind of his own of when he wants to sleep and when he wants to be awake. Luckily he is usually pretty good at nights. Mom is awesome for coming to help out for three weeks. We are the luckiest people to have such a unselfish mom who is willing to put her life to the side and help us whenever we are in need. Thank you again mom. I hope your drive home was fun and not too long and boring. Bryar and Bridger are doing great. Bryar is another little mother which is helpful. Bridger has thrown a few more fits lately but they are dying down as well and he doesn't want to throw his brother away which is nice.

Joe is working hard at a new class and should be getting some time off in August and September to get some things done around the house. Poor men their tasks are never done. They have to come home from work and there is always something to do like build a bed or mow a lawn. But we love them and are thankful for all their hard work. Well I love Joe anyway I don't know about the rest of you and your husbands. As for me I am just getting used to being a new mom again. I'm going to have to say it is not that hard or I just have a super easy baby. All he does is sleep. This is completely opposite of what Bryar was. So hopefully I am getting an easy going baby. Anyway this is long and probably boring but at least I wrote something for you all. Can't wait to see everyone.


jolyn said...

As always, your kids are darling. I guess we just have the cutest grandchildren ever!!!

weston said...

asher in the big picture has the squarest face ive ever seen