Monday, August 12, 2013

Colombia Developments

So, I'm here in Bogota, and after two weeks the organization is offering me a full time, paid position of managing the two Bogota apartments and all of the volunteers . . . what to do? what to do? . . .

Actually I couldn't live here permanently, so there's no way that I could say yes, but I haven't said no yet. I'm meeting with the program manager this afternoon, and she's going to tell me the exact salary and offer. Even though I have no intentions of staying here longer than my six weeks - it's nice to have them think highly enough of me to make such an offer.

Also, any emails are appreciated - and Mom & Dad: are you getting the emails I have sent? I can't tell from the emails that you have sent me since they don't mention anything that I've told you.

Working with the homeless has been awesome!! I aw working in the kitchens at the Mother Theresa of Calcutta homeless shelter (started by the same nuns as Mother Theresa) preparing food all morning and then serve them - then we clean up. I also went to an orphanage one day, but I didn't feel as productive there, even though I had fun playing with the little kids. There are about 15 other volunteers here at any given time.

The food has been pretty tasty. We have a lady named Rosa that cooks for us Mon-Fri, but we're on our own on the weekends. Anything else . . . just email me and ask. I'll put some pics on Facebook soon.

Hugs to all . . .



Kim said...

Shane good to hear from you. I love the info. It is nice to know that you are wanted and you are such a good worker that they recognize that (unlike your old boss).

Kati Atwood said...

Thanks for the update, Shane!! I'm glad you are doing well!