Thursday, November 13, 2014

Words of advice for Kristen...

Josh Gordon is one of the best receivers in the entire NFL... don't trade him right as he's about to come back...

Sorry Jeff... she deserves to know...


Jeff said...

Agreed that there may be potential - assuming he comes in right away in mid-season form, but she only has 3 receiver spots to put someone and already has the overall ranked 4, 5, 10, and 12th receivers. So one of those is already always sitting on the bench - Gordon would just be a second good receiver on the bench. However, if someone has a good running back that they would like to trade for a receiver, Kristen may be willing to listen to a better offer. At least, that is the rumor going round.

weston said...

haha, adrian peterson for josh gordon, straight across...

Kristen said...

That's it. I'm taking control of my team.