Wednesday, April 2, 2008


happy birthday kati and weston!


weston said...

for those of you noticing that i have congratulated myself on aging another year, i need to mention that it is with great humility that i boast

weston said...

also coming up this month is christy's birthday along with joe's so i'll congratulate them now so as to not forget

Kati Atwood said...

Thank you Weston! Happy birthday to us too! And all of you other March and April Birthdays - there are a lot of us!

Anonymous said...

yea happy birthday. Sorry your card was so early kati. I was a week ahead of myself. Just hoping time will go faster so I can have this baby. Wishful thinking. I didn't realized that it was the week earlier until the next day.

Kati Atwood said...

Hey, I just thought you wanted me to have a great birthday week! I loved it, thank you!! And Jeff and Kristen - thank you for the message- Emily is SO cute!!

Joe Buck said...

Happy assassination, MLK.

Kirk and Christy said...

Happy Happy birthday children dear. Happy days will come to you all year. If I had a wish then it would be, a happy happy birthday to you from me!