Friday, January 16, 2009

The Haircut!!

Yesderday while I'm in the shower:

Emily: "Mom, is it okay if I cut my hair?"

Me: "(gasp) Did you already do it?"

Emily: "Yea."

Needless to say, she got ahold of the scissors and did a little trim job on her hair. So today I took her to get it evened out. I almost cried. But she is still adorable!!! Here are some before and after pictures. (with the "after" pictures first. i'm still figuring this blog thing out)


Anonymous said...

funny she is looking so big and old. her face is looking older. Crazy

weston said...

am i the only one who thinks she looks like a young olsen twin? maybe i only think that because i never really watched full house

Kirk and Christy said...

I think the haircut is way cute!