Monday, March 26, 2012

NCAA UPDATE-Forth round

Method I:
40 points: Shane
39 points: Jeff, Jolyn, Kati
38 points: Val
37 points: Rem
36 points: Christy
35 points: Joe, Tam, Joe Buck
33 points: Weston, Kristen
31 points: Kirk
23 points: Porter & Brock

Method II:
64 points: Shane
63 points: Val
61 points: Kati
60 points: Jeff, Jolyn, Tam
59 points: Rem
58 points: Joe Buck, Christy
51 points: Joe
49 points: Kristen, Kirk
45 points: Weston
28 points: Porter & Brock

Down to the final four!


jolyn said...

Kentucky needs to win for most of us to get any more points. Joe Buck & Kirk have other options

Shane said...

Go Shane!! Thanks for filling out my bracket Mom! Hahaha!!

Kim and Joe said...

looks good. I just want to point out that all the votes on the side bar for who is going to win went to the girls. Funny do we not have any faith in our men.