Thursday, March 1, 2012

timeless classic, new performance

you have to watch to the end, its the best part

No one is above the law!


Jeff said...

Very Funny Wes!

Kati Atwood said...

I want him to get arrested really really bad.

weston said...

maybe you're not aware that he is above the law?

Kim said...

I watched the entire thing to see the cool ending. Did you just say it was cool so we would sit through the whole thing?

Kati Atwood said...

i don't know how i feel about this. it is borderline funny/borderline nauseating.

Kati Atwood said...

I love that Joe has no scruples with commenting under my name - be wary of my comments, they are probably not mine. Lest they leave a black mark on my reputation!

weston said...

anybody notice the dripping of his blood into the sax into the middle? that and the very serious cop are my favorite

jolyn said...

not just borderline, it is nauseating and obnoxious, not even funny. Weston usually has funny posts. Needs to upgrade

Kati Atwood said...

pretty brutal, mom.

weston said...

dont worry i was there when it was watched so i got it firsthand