Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spawn of Satan by Night...

...cutest human being on the planet by mid-morning.

We had a rough night with Mr. Tyson last night. He pretty much screamed the ENTIRE night while we did our best to try and ignore/not smother him.

I knew he wouldn't make it long today, that the sleep deprivation would get to him. When I noticed it was just a little too quiet in the other room, I thought I should go check and see what he was destroying.

Here is what I found.
A bundle of blankets, stuffed with a little boy.
Sometimes I just want to beat him. Other times I just want to kiss him forever, disregarding the fact that it may be causing weird, mommy issues in the future.


Val Atwood said...

Bless his heart and yours too!!!

jolyn said...

pretty cute, I know how you feel, the ups and downs of motherhood, but, mainly and eternally it's ups!

Shane said...

That's hilarious! Not that I laugh at your pain of being kept up all night, but still hahaha!