Saturday, March 19, 2011

Round 1

Even though the NCAA has chosen that Round 1 consisted of only 4 games, our first round was made up of a total of 36 games. Here are the standings:

28 - Tamara
27 - Shane
26 - Christy, Rem
25 - Kristen
23 - Kirk, Jeff, Joe Buck, Joe & Kim,
22 - Kati
17 - Ian, Jonas

Jonas and Ian have already lost two of their Final Four. Kirk is the only other one to be down to three. Go BYU.


Kati Atwood said...

Tamara is amazing. She is my hero.

wes said...

weston is at 24 points

Tamara said...

can i get a WHAT-WHAT!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate tamara

jolynatwood said...

You forgot dad & I Not that we are doing very well, but come pick up our sheets. We are in the game too

wes said...

one of my championship teams is out with pitt