Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My Tribute to Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a wood, and we took the one that led to Walla Walla, Washington.  Yes, you got that right, we are going to move and take a job as a civilian appraiser for the Army Corps of Engineers.  We basically wanted to be where the local laws are a little less restrictive, if you know what I mean.  Our dreams will be realized January 13th.


jolyn said...

awesome. let us know more. love you, mom

weston said...

think of all the corn you guys will have access to...

Shane said...

What!!? This is crazy-talk! hahaha just kidding! Good luck with the move . . .

Anonymous said...

wallawalla has sweet onions

jolynatwood said...

it also has the state prison

jolynatwood said...

it also has the state prison