Just for fun . . . Coldplay & Taylor Swift
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Need more MUSIC?
Hey, looking for Christmas music to add to our playlist! If there is something you love and want it on the blog - let me know what it is and I'll add it to the list!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Christmas Present Exchange
Hello to all,
Here are the results of the drawing for Christmas presents.
Shane Gives to Joe and Kati
Doug and Tonia Give to Remington and Tamara
Jeff and Kristen Give to Kim and Joe
Joe and Kim Give to Marshall
Joe Buck and Kati Give to Doug and Tonia
Kirk and Christy Give to Shane
Remington and Tamara Give to Kirk and Christy
Marshall Gives to Jeff and Kristen
Here are the results of the drawing for Christmas presents.
Shane Gives to Joe and Kati
Doug and Tonia Give to Remington and Tamara
Jeff and Kristen Give to Kim and Joe
Joe and Kim Give to Marshall
Joe Buck and Kati Give to Doug and Tonia
Kirk and Christy Give to Shane
Remington and Tamara Give to Kirk and Christy
Marshall Gives to Jeff and Kristen
If you already knew this, please disregard this post.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
I thought I would post pictures on this sight because I asked all of you to post. There are more on our blog of carving pumpkins but here are the costumes. Bridger was Prince Charming and Bryar was Cinderella. Our Halloween night was pretty fun. We had some friends come over and go around our block with us. After the first house, they realized that they got candy and would run to the next house like a bunch of teenagers. Until of course someone answered the door with a mask and then they would all cry. That was when you realized yep they are still three and under.
An action shot of the prince saving the princess.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!
These are our kids all dressed up and going trick or treating. They were really cute. We left at 5:30 and I didn't see one other person going arounf until 6:15. I felt a little silly being the only one but we had to get started sometime! It was really fun and after going around the block Porter asked if we could do one more house and then go home. I tried to fit in a few more but he didn't like that idea very much. Then we came home to a wonderful meal of sweet and sour chicken, fried rice and avacodo egg roll (yum!). And it was the warmest day of the week which was a plus. Hope you all had a good Halloween too.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I thought I would say a little something too since we are far away and you never get to see us do nothing too. Bryar just had her birthday and had a lot of fun. Look at our family post if you want to see pictures. It only takes a second to click over there so I don't want to hear that I can post pictures here too. It takes me a lot longer to post then for you to click over. Anyway...Life is good here. It is just starting to cool off where we actually go out and use our back porch that we had done in July or August (I can't remember). I am so excited for Halloween and go Christy for making them. Bridger is going to look so super cute I can't wait to post a picture. Bryar will as well but hers is just the store bought Cinderella costume. We had it so I spent all my time on Bridger's and will have to say that I am pretty proud of it. Joe had to hear all the time how cute it was. Joe is just starting to take students on the Mike Model Helicopter. He is loving his new job and is loving teaching and learning as well while he teaches. He is sad that he won't be able to come in November to the wedding but just starting the new instructor courses and learning how to be the next section leader will be pretty demanding for the next few months. Sorry Remington but he just couldn't take the time off right now for more than a day or two and I wanted to stay longer than that so he will be there in spirit and wants to wish you luck. I'm just trying to post longer than Christy's... ha ha... I hoped it worked. As for me I am doing just the same o same o stuff. Being a mom, cleaning the house constantly, making dinners, signing up for cook offs, making beans for church activities...etc... It never really seams to stop. But it is all OK because at night when Joe finally makes it home and we put the kids down for bed, we get to sneak into our room and turn on an amazing projector that fills our entire wall and enjoy a good movie to relax before bed. Until later and I hope that everyone has a wonderful Halloween and please post pictures. I would love to see all the costumes. Love you all.
Monday, October 26, 2009
I do know how to spell
well, maybe only a little but I do know how to spell which. Just letting everyone know that Carter and now Kirk have joined the sick ranks. I'm holding out strong but, really, did you expect anything less?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
yea for sick kids!
So, I haven't posted for a while but nothing has really happened at our house. It seems much more boring looking back than actually living through it. Brock just turned two last week and I still can't understand anything he says. And I can actually get about four of them. None of them being mommy or daddy. Just 'no' 'hi' 'please' 'ya'(whitch also sounds like no so its a little harder.). And that's about it. Not what I expected after Porters full sentences. Porter is just the same mild mannered kid. Everyone at church says my kids don't do anything but mind. I'm glad thats the impression we give. They have both been sick. They were throwing up two nights ago and brock seemed to done but Porter was sick for the whole day. They both seem to be doing better now. I'm glad it wasn't a drawn out thing because of Carter and just because who wants to be sick? But they were both happy the whole time; okay, for the most part. Porter was a little whiney.
Kirk has started his Masters (for those who don't know) so he is busy most of the time. It's not as bad as I thought but I like to think it's because of my great attitude! He loves serving in the bishopric so that helps fill his time also.
We just returned from a trip to the river that was very fun. It was not to exciting to go from 90 degree wheather back to the 60's though. I'd almost move just for the wheather. But then you miss out on Christmas snow.
I'm just taking care of the kids and trying to be more social. Which means I might talk to someone in the week. Good thing mom's house is close by. I did make a car seat cover (thanks to Kati's help) and then decided that I was a whiz with a sewing machine so I decided to make halloween costumes. Lets just say its taking al ittle longer than expected. I seem to go down to mom's and just talk the whole time.
Well, I took up a ton of room saying nothing which is nice because it makes for a long post. The Johnsons are excited for the Holiday season and being able to see everyone.
P.S. Still send in recipes to me!! I need some from Ton and Shane (at least the lemon strwberry dessert). Thanks to everyone else and feel free to keep sending them!
Kirk has started his Masters (for those who don't know) so he is busy most of the time. It's not as bad as I thought but I like to think it's because of my great attitude! He loves serving in the bishopric so that helps fill his time also.
We just returned from a trip to the river that was very fun. It was not to exciting to go from 90 degree wheather back to the 60's though. I'd almost move just for the wheather. But then you miss out on Christmas snow.
I'm just taking care of the kids and trying to be more social. Which means I might talk to someone in the week. Good thing mom's house is close by. I did make a car seat cover (thanks to Kati's help) and then decided that I was a whiz with a sewing machine so I decided to make halloween costumes. Lets just say its taking al ittle longer than expected. I seem to go down to mom's and just talk the whole time.
Well, I took up a ton of room saying nothing which is nice because it makes for a long post. The Johnsons are excited for the Holiday season and being able to see everyone.
P.S. Still send in recipes to me!! I need some from Ton and Shane (at least the lemon strwberry dessert). Thanks to everyone else and feel free to keep sending them!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
the way missionary work should be
in my area right now i have the first truly correct vision of the way member missionary work should go. we have a ward mission leader who does everything he can to get the bishop and ward involved, with bi weekly preach my gospel emails to the entire ward and regular missionary activities. then we have two ward missionaries who join us at every appointment. they also home teach all the partmembers in the area, in order to gently push them towards the waters of baptism. one of the ward missionaries actually set a part member husband for baptism before we as missionaries had ever taught him. it's amazing what can be accomplished when members do everything they can to fulfill their calling. as a result, i'll have four batisms in this area, none of which have come from my own efforts. so we're free to look for people while the ward baptises their own. for all you who have served missions i'm sure you know what the difference is between ward that care and wards that don't. hopefully we can all be better missionary members, including me when i'm done with my mission.
p.s. theres really no reason for it, but if anyone feels that they love me so much they need to send me twenty dollars or so,i wouldn't be averse to the idea. have a nice day everyone.
p.s. theres really no reason for it, but if anyone feels that they love me so much they need to send me twenty dollars or so,i wouldn't be averse to the idea. have a nice day everyone.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Everyone Please Sign Up
Even if you can't go: Please click on this link, and register for tickets to the Tabernacle Choir's annual Christmas concert. Natalie Cole is going to be the guest performer and it should be fun. If everyone registers, then chances are we will get some of tickets. They are drawn at random after the registration period.
Please register for four tickets with Friday night as your first preference, then Saturday, then Thursday, then Sunday.
Click the icon in the top-right of the page after you Click Here.
Please register for four tickets with Friday night as your first preference, then Saturday, then Thursday, then Sunday.
Click the icon in the top-right of the page after you Click Here.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Just me again
I forgot to mention that if you don't want to type the recipes in, I completly understand. You can mail them to me and I will return them all asap. That way you don't have to spend a lot of time typing.
Thanks again. And thanks to Kimmy for being the first one to get back to me. Go ahead and buy yourself some special little treat.
Thanks again. And thanks to Kimmy for being the first one to get back to me. Go ahead and buy yourself some special little treat.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
new email
I just changed my email adress so everybody update it please and send the recipes to this one. christylavee@yahoo.com
2nd Edition Family Cookbook!
Hello everyone! I am retyping our family cookbook this year because I couldn't find my saved copy. I am also doing it a little different this time. It will be 8x10 format and fit just in a binder. The pages will be in loose sleeves so they last longer and if the binder is too bulky, you can take out the one page you are using. This will make it easier to add future recipes the next time we update it. I can just print the new one instead of doing them all again. So, I need everyone to email me any new recipes. I know you all have some because I hear all the time about new things everyone makes. My email address is christy_na_na@yahoo.com. I am also including a section on Holiday Ideas. This is for fun recipes but also any cute ideas for crafts, table settings, etc. Maybe I'm the only one who draws blanks when I think about this but I could use all the help I can get! Example: Dinner in A Pumpkin, Graveyard cake. Please get these to me soon so I can get this done for everyone. Thanks to all.
P.S. Shane is also welcome to contribute and anyone else. We wont think any less of the male gender for taking an interest.
P.S. Shane is also welcome to contribute and anyone else. We wont think any less of the male gender for taking an interest.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Story
Well, since Jeff had to go and post something above my announcement, I figured I had to post something to get my glory back. So, this is how it all went down.
We decided to go golfing, which we have been meaning to do for a long while. We went to Rose Park golf course near Kirk & Christy's. I had decided that I would put the ring in the 9th hole so when she made her put she could find the ring and we would still get our full game in. The only problem was, I would have to leave the ring in the box so it didn't get lost or damaged, although that made it easier for her to see. It was a risk I was willing to take.
About hole #7 I was thinking I had made a huge mistake. Needless to say, we are not professional golfers and couldn't make any of our putts. I realized it would be a disaster when she went to putt and it took her 3 shots. She would see it too soon for sure.
So, along came the 9th green. I had to get her to slow down while I went and found my ball, so I told her to wait and we would have a competition on the final hole, the loser of course would have to buy drinks. I went and removed the flag, ever so slyly placing the ring and box in the hole. I went first and missed my putt but quickly hit my ball in the last 6 inches.
That is when the miracle happened. The heavens were opened and Tamara sank her putt from about 12-15 feet. After the day's putting, I am sure it was divine intervention that got the ball in the hole. She was pretty excited about that and was already celebrating as she went to pick her ball up out of the hole. When she got there she bent down about halfway before she just stopped and stared.
I was of course kneeling down next to her now and I picked up the ring since she didn't seem to want to pick it up herself. She didn't really say anything, but started hugging me and freaking out, so I figured that counted as a yes.
We decided to go golfing, which we have been meaning to do for a long while. We went to Rose Park golf course near Kirk & Christy's. I had decided that I would put the ring in the 9th hole so when she made her put she could find the ring and we would still get our full game in. The only problem was, I would have to leave the ring in the box so it didn't get lost or damaged, although that made it easier for her to see. It was a risk I was willing to take.
About hole #7 I was thinking I had made a huge mistake. Needless to say, we are not professional golfers and couldn't make any of our putts. I realized it would be a disaster when she went to putt and it took her 3 shots. She would see it too soon for sure.
So, along came the 9th green. I had to get her to slow down while I went and found my ball, so I told her to wait and we would have a competition on the final hole, the loser of course would have to buy drinks. I went and removed the flag, ever so slyly placing the ring and box in the hole. I went first and missed my putt but quickly hit my ball in the last 6 inches.
That is when the miracle happened. The heavens were opened and Tamara sank her putt from about 12-15 feet. After the day's putting, I am sure it was divine intervention that got the ball in the hole. She was pretty excited about that and was already celebrating as she went to pick her ball up out of the hole. When she got there she bent down about halfway before she just stopped and stared.
I was of course kneeling down next to her now and I picked up the ring since she didn't seem to want to pick it up herself. She didn't really say anything, but started hugging me and freaking out, so I figured that counted as a yes.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thank you all
Well, I am glad to announce that tomorrow mom and dad's loan will be paid off that we have been paying on for the last couple of years. Thank you all for doing that, mom and dad are very thankful. For those of you who are depositing money automatically, you may want to stop the transfers. Or, I know we talked about using it as a reunion account if you wanted to, but we never committed on anything. Just know that the loan is paid off and mission is accomplished. Thanks again!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Congratulations Remington! We are so excited for you and Tamara!! I think you should post a detailed account of the engagement for all to enjoy.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
well i did service for a food pantry at the current course for the lpga tour on monday. monday through thursday the pros practice and then the tournament is friday through sunday. anyway down to the point, i was watching michelle wie practice and then she signed my shirt, so don't be surprised if you see me on the news or if we end up getting married. haha just kidding but i did get her signature and thought maybe kirk and jeff would care... maybe not. anyway love you all and i have several baptisms coming up so the work is going well. congrats on whatever the big announcement ends up being.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Well, just so you know, you should be hearing something exciting in the next few days...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Brock's First Stitches
So, we were over having dinner at a friends house with the missionaries tonight and then I had to go to my geneology class. About 30 min. into my class, Ann Syphus shows up with blood on her sweater and hands. She at least had a smile so I knew it wasn't life threatening. I guess Brock fell off her chair and hit his head on her granite fireplace. So I left my class and we all four went to an instacare.He had cut it clear down to the skull. It was actually interesting to see the doctor move the cut around and see about four inches of the bone underneath. The girls took this in stride but one of us, I wont name names, had to look away. So there were four stitches underneath and eight on top. It was a nasty gash so I guess we were okay taking him in. I was just thinking yesterday that it was supprising he hadn't had any bumps or cuts we've had to worry about. We'll post a picture, since I know you're all dying to see, tomorrow. Unfortunatly, we didn't get one before the stitches.
Everyone else is doing great. Kirk is excited about starting school next week. The summer has flown by! Love to all.
Everyone else is doing great. Kirk is excited about starting school next week. The summer has flown by! Love to all.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Hello everyone. Just saying hi. It has been awhile for posting so I figured we could start it up again. We got back to Alabama safely and as soon as we stepped off the plane we both thought we wanted to be back in the west again. So we can't visit anymore because then we don't want to come back. Thank you again Kirk and Christy for the car. You guys are awesome and we want you to know that it was really appreciated. Also we had a lot of fun thank you Jeff and Kristen for planning a great reunion. We can't wait for the next one (that we can't come to if you have read previous sentences). But now that everyone is back and settled in, you can start posting again. Congrats on the twins coming home and hope all is well there. As well as Sadie, she is in our prayers and hope that things are going well in Wyoming or at least progressing. Love you all and START POSTING. We love to hear even little things in your lives.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
To whoever Adam Baum is...
I hereby cordially invite you to not post any comments on our blog, save your apology to my little brother. In the first place, you do not know any of us, so this really isn't too much of your business. Secondly, you don't know the person that you so directly insulted, nor understand his sense of humor, so you have simply made yourself laughable and silly, rather than whatever image you thought you were conveying. That's about as nice as I can be on that score.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
so... due to the incompetence and corruption of the illinois government, i now owe $227.95 on a red light ticket that i didn't know about until friday of last week. this balance must be paid by this friday or i will have my drivers license suspended, and or be put in jail. i tried to see if since i didn't know about it until two late fee's had been added, if they would let me put it down to the regular ticket price of $100 but since i was so late paying for a ticket that i didn't know about, mycourt date where i could argue that point is already passed. being the corrupt institution that all illinois government is, they don't really seem to care to much about my "logic" and simply demand that i pay the ticket. so i don't know who is in a position to help out but i really hope some of you look at this blog before friday and spread the word around to whoever can. also because the date is so soon that it must be paid by, the only way to pay it will be online, which means that the money will need to be put intomy account at the bank of AF in cash so that it processes asap. i would pay for this myself but as i only get 137 a month and just a week ago decided to buy myself shoes with the money that i had been saving from month to month, along with a few other items. even though i have been frugal with my money and have a hundred dollars left over, it's not enough to pay the ticket. sorry for both this blog dominating post and the inconvienence it causes but i would really like to not go to jail, so if anyone could please help, i'll be checking this more often for the next couple of days, rather than just once a week, wo please let me know. also you still need to pay attention to christy's post below this since i shoved it clear out of sight. thanks family, please help soon.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Need some ideas
So, Kirk is going on two campouts before and after the reunion. So I asked him when I got to have a vacation. So I get to play the week after our reunion but then I got stumped with ideas. I thought of flying out to visit Kim and Joe but it would be pretty lonely since they're at their other reunion. Other than that, I'm drawing blanks.So if anyone has any fun things or ideas, let me know.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
for Kim
Saturday, June 27, 2009
New Pic . . .
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Congratulations to Joe and Kati on the arrival of two new bundles of joy. Now the task of naming them takes new importance. Good luck!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Hello Atwood Clan
As I am sure you all remembered this, it is probably a waste of my obviously precious time, but I thought I should remind everyone of our camping trip this weekend. Sorry everyone, you will have to cancel any home improvement projects or lavish dates that are planned.
Also, be prepared to cook meals or help out because as a member of the single portion of the family, since I can't be trusted to find a wife the chances of me being trusted to cook are slim.
Hope to see you all there
As I am sure you all remembered this, it is probably a waste of my obviously precious time, but I thought I should remind everyone of our camping trip this weekend. Sorry everyone, you will have to cancel any home improvement projects or lavish dates that are planned.
Also, be prepared to cook meals or help out because as a member of the single portion of the family, since I can't be trusted to find a wife the chances of me being trusted to cook are slim.
Hope to see you all there
my results
Thank you for taking the Creativity Test. The results show your brain dominance as being:
Left Brain Right Brain
57% 43%
Left Brain Right Brain
57% 43%
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Why I'm Not a Big Cop Fan... (3 Min)
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Just Sittin' Here
I don't have anything really to say, but this gives me something to do. My time in San Diego is comming to a close this week, and I just want to say that Kirk and Christy are the best for letting me take their car that runs properly, as mine would surely have died. See you soon!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
What is the deal? It's summer and now I have less thyme than in the school year. Service projects are going to be the death of me.
Anyhoo...Kati is loving her pregnancy. She actually swells up so much that you can press and indent fingermarks, words, etchings, etc., into he legs along her shins that stay there for several minutes--like one of those stress balls. She loves it. We were close to drywalling the basement, but that has been put off for a week or two. Jonas and Ian are extrememly calm, relaxed, and never stray into the streets. They always notify us of where they sneak off to and, or course, always eat everything, no matter what it is. They clean up their own messes, too.
Anyhoo...Kati is loving her pregnancy. She actually swells up so much that you can press and indent fingermarks, words, etchings, etc., into he legs along her shins that stay there for several minutes--like one of those stress balls. She loves it. We were close to drywalling the basement, but that has been put off for a week or two. Jonas and Ian are extrememly calm, relaxed, and never stray into the streets. They always notify us of where they sneak off to and, or course, always eat everything, no matter what it is. They clean up their own messes, too.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Bored Anyone?
Well, just sitting here in San Diego, taking my classes and bored out of my mind. I basically sit all day in class, eat and in-n-out, and then sit in my room all night. Oh yes Jimmy, it is a wonderful life! Great weather though, I must say.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hey everyone, I sent you all an email concerning the reunion fees, so let me know if you did not get it.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
hello again
hello everybody! i do still exist and check the family blog, but the mission of late has found me in a perpetual stupor of thought, so i haven't said hi. first of all, are D+T living in a different house now? second the van is awesome and if you get the chance you should turn it into the mystery machine. i've now reached to milestone of 160 lbs, you can no longer see my ribs without me sucking in. my area has recovered from the swine flu that seemed to be affecting it of late. in walking through an asylum we met with a man who inspired us with the knowledge that in revelations it says that if a man thinks he is something, then he is nothing. he went on to reveal that because of that scripture, if you take the twelve apostles plus jesus, you get thirteen, thirteen is something so it is also nothing. i have whitled this down to a simple equation for you all. 12+1=13(something equals nothing) so 13=0. by this logic we discovered that the numbers 25,50,144000, and 666 all equal 0. he told us he was working on some other numbers but wasn't sure about them yet, i'll get back to you if he ever finds out.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Challenge
Hey, I know we are all busy, but if you have not seen Elder Bednar's CES fireside for May, you need to. Go to LDS.org and watch it. It will be the best hour you spend this month, and will teach you more about raising kids and living properly in today's world than anything else. It is awesome, and a needed message for today. Just so you know.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
the new ride, D8-NITE
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Baby Blessing
Just letting everyone know about Carter's baby blessing. It will be the first Sunday in June. I'm not sure the day, 6th or 7th I think. Our church starts at 9:00 and we will do something after, around 1:00. Please let me know if you can come so I can decide what to make for lunch.
Love to all.
Love to all.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Time for a family Pet?
So this was my conversation with Porter about 5 minutes ago...
Porter-"can we buy a cat?"
"Who wants to buy a cat?" says mommy.
"Porter does. Oh my goodess, he will stay outside."
mommy says "I don't think we will buy a cat."
"Please can we have a kitty cat?"
"probably not."
"can we buy a cat when daddy comes home?" asks Porter.
"No, no cat."
"can we buy one tomorrow?"
"no, we are not getting a cat." says mommy.
So, thanks to whoever introduced pets to Porter (Emily). I have a feeling we will have this conversation often.
Porter-"can we buy a cat?"
"Who wants to buy a cat?" says mommy.
"Porter does. Oh my goodess, he will stay outside."
mommy says "I don't think we will buy a cat."
"Please can we have a kitty cat?"
"probably not."
"can we buy a cat when daddy comes home?" asks Porter.
"No, no cat."
"can we buy one tomorrow?"
"no, we are not getting a cat." says mommy.
So, thanks to whoever introduced pets to Porter (Emily). I have a feeling we will have this conversation often.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Interesting 5 min clip
Go watch this clip about cell phone tapping
I can't figure how to make the link, so copy and paste
I can't figure how to make the link, so copy and paste
Monday, April 20, 2009
who can stand up to a challenge???
on saturday, August 22nd I will start and finish the Park City Marathon. anyone who is interested in joining me I have a 16 week training program that you would need to start on monday the 27th. who wants to join the party???
BYU prospect
Jake Heaps from Washington has narrowed his college choices to 5, and that includes BYU. He is, according to many, the best high school football player in the country, and the best quarterback. It would be nice for cougar fans to grab him. Just an update. About now is when I start to get really antsy for football season.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Traip To Alabama

I would just like to say what a wonderful time we had atw Joe and Kims. I would like to especially thank Marshall for making two trips to the airport to pick us up and take us back. He was going to Memphis Tenn and Atlanta was 4 hours out of his way. Thanks Marsh. We mainly visited while we were there. One trip to the beach in Panama City. One time out to dinner at a marvelous BBQ cafe in enterprise. A few games of Shanghi and a couple games of rummy cube. Of course I won most of them!!!! We are back home and back to doing all that needs to be done. I would just like to say thanks to Kim and Joe for the wonderful time we had. It was so fun to see Bryer and Bridger. Bridger is a chunk. On his first birthday he weighed 28 lbs. Bryer weighs 29 lbs. I will try to put a couple of pictures on so you can see them. By the time we left they kind of knew who we were and warmed up to us real well. Bridger is a hugger and it is nice to have a baby snuggle with you. Bryer is smart as a whip and wanting to learn everything. She almost has all the states learned now. Well its time to try to post some pictures if I can find them.
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