Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Halloween!

So first of all- I need a little more guideline on this favorite song. I can't think of one because there is always one better. And do you do country? no because nobody likes it. Dance music for when you're driving in the car? no because you can't always listen to it at home. Slow music? it gets boring when exorcising. Elvis can't even make the list! I am at a stand still. Could we have a little less broad challenge? Some of us our limited in our thinking capacity! Lets cater to the weaker ones around here!

Having said that, here are our kids for Halloween. They had a great time going around! Unfortunately, there were hardly any people this year so nor only do I have tons of drinks left but we were out by ourselves so we didn't get to see other cool costumes! Lets do better next year people! Done venting. Have a great day.


Kati Atwood said...

Cute kids! Porter is rocking the knight outfit!

Kim and Joe said...

Oh my goodness look at Kara's hair. She has some and it is done and so cute. Boy it is crazy how they just keep growing up. I can't wait to see you all again. I hope that the kids still recognize everyone.

shane said...

Great costumes - Does Kara even know what's going on? lol

Kirk and Christy said...

Of course she doesn't but she loves the candy!

Anonymous said... you do a lot of exorcising? Just curious. Demons in the neighborhood, beware.