Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hello everyone just checking in to see what is going on. I hear you are all cold and the snow is pretty deep where you guys live. Too bad. It is only in the 70's here. Ha Ha Ha. Not too much has gone on around here. Bryar had her first nice cut though. She was holding a glass bowl and tripped and cut her forehead. (I'm assuming that is what happened since I was actually in the other room). So on Friday we spent the morning in the emergency room glueing her head back together. It was a lot of fun. But all to no avail because that night we were at a friends house eating dinner and she fell and cut it right back open. We just pulled it together with a bandaid from there. We could have gone back in again to fix it but since then she has opened the cut at least two more times, so we figure she will just have a nice beautiful scar on her forehead. Oh well war wounds are good aren't they? Well, that is the update of the Stoney family's life. Joe is back to work and I am back as well, cooking and cleaning. Until later.


Joe Buck said...

could we get some pictures, please?

Anonymous said...

I will have to take some but I think I could manage that. Next time I take off the bandage.

Jeff said...

You are right, I did not have to read that:)