Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Political Commentary

Amen to Joe's statement about being tired of political deceit.

You'll all be very surprised to hear that I voted today for Ron Paul. Yes, it's true.

I know that he has no chance -

I would like to believe that Romney and Obama are sincere and not just politicians, but perhaps I'm too cynical. McCain and Clinton only seem to inspire venomous comments, but I don't think they're any worse than the other two - in other words, though they each claim to be the candidate of "change," the status quo will remain.


Jeff said...

My philosophy: I would have voted for Romney, not because he is perfect, but he had a chance. Now that chance is gone, and it looks like McCain vs. whomever. Well, what is the difference between one democrat and another who goes by the same name. I can not vote for McCain, after all, he is at least supposed to stand for a better party (although only the platform seems to be better in the end). Needless to say, there is nothing wrong with voting for Ron Paul, at least he seems like a fairly moral and honest man. Unfortunately, it may not matter who wins the election now, as the second coming is hastening on, and you can see it every day. And yes, Joe, I would probably vote for a democrat for the first time in the big one. After all, if all one party can do is vote in one of their most liberal candidates because he is the "one who can beat Hilary," certainly that can't be the best way to choose. We will now have an evil, regardless if it is a lesser or not.

Joe Buck said...

The more I see, I am honestly beginning to feel that the parties really don't care who is president--either party--but it is seems evident that they don't want Romney, period (West Virginia). I don't like him all that much, but that reeks of faction. In addition, Paul is obviously outside the tent looking in at the circus, and is going to get nowhere.