Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Roofing Project

Okay, I know you are all excited to read this entry! Here is the plan. June 13th and 14th we are going to rip off my roof (wood), build a dormer, re-sheath it, and re-roof it. There will be plenty of work for all to enjoy. Jim and Lana will be gone, but their house is available for all to stay in. Just so you can begin planning. Thanks


Kim and Joe said...

Jeff how come nobody is commenting on this one. They must be very busy with their jobs this summer.

Shane said...

How much can you comment on it??

jolyn said...

Dad and I are coming up Thursday night. Do Lana & Jim have a place for us then?

Geniel said...

Geniel and Kelly are coming on Friday morning. Geniel's not much of a roofer, but can do FOOD! We're bring enough for 1 meal: chicken salad crossant sandwiches, salad (it even has marshmallows, cause we heard you Atwood's really like those) and Tolman's famous fudge jumbles. See you soon.